Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Donut anyone....

Isn’t it interesting when people use food terms to describe body parts. The midwife yesterday said that the cervix is about the size of a hostess mini donut. Great! Tell the lady with baby sugars that her girly parts are like a donut that will eventually be like a pancake during labor. My only question is, is it more like the chocolate covered ones or the powdered sugar?


Lizzie said...

You crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Very funny. I vote for powder because the chocolate ones are so waxy! :)

Anonymous said...

What about glazed? Well, at least she's comparing it to something appetizing and not something gross like a chicken mcnugget.

Cheryl and I are so excited for you two!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Just so Carolyn doesn't always have to speak for me! I am excited... but I prefer the cinnamon & sugar coated donut holes myself.
Love you ladies!
Tell Tot we love him,
lil c

Rachel said...

Well, I prefer pancakes to donuts any day. So I'd say a nice fluffy IHOP pancake.

Anonymous said...

You're hilarious! Pancakes are something to get excited about though!

Hope said...

lol This cracked me up. I am sure you probably started craving donuts shortly after.

bleu said...

I am so excited for you. I like the twist sugar coated ones but would NOT want y cervix looking like that.