Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Enough Already

That is it. Look here hormones ease up on my wife already.

Man, this tot must be doing some major growing and developing. It must be forming a genius brain or something. S has been hit with the yucks hard this week. Here I am absent due to my overly ego maniac board members, leaving her to fend for herself. She even had to walk to my office yesterday because I was stuck on the phone and she needed the car to get food. I mean NEEDED food!!!! Then she had to deal with me and my overly sensitive, frustrated, and quick tempered self that exists after having my energy and brain sucked dry by dentists. Poor baby.

I love you tot, but give your mom a break already!!!!

As for remedies tried for this nausea, here is the list and I may have missed a few, we've tried it all. Peppermint tea and hard candy, ginger flavored anything makes her feel like she is going to barf, lemon favored hard candy, crackers, preggo pops, sea bands, naps, eating every time she starts to feel sick, raspberry tea and suckers, belly bars, and so on and so on.

I think I'm just going to have to pamper her till this latest version of the yucks passes.


Carey said...

after a while... NOTHING helps the nausea. NOTHING. So yes, pamper away!!

Keri said...

This is all very sad. I'm sorry she's feeling awful. I hope it passes sooner than later so she can get to enjoying every last minute of the rest of the months!
In the meantime, pamper away!

bleu said...

If she is eating every time she starts to feel sick it is too late, eat all the time, even 2-3 nuts every half hour. Not a lot, just something small. Even a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese, take a bite or two every half hour to hour around the clock. It can make a big difference.

Good luck.

K J and the kids said...

Cherry slurpees and salad :)

Anonymous said...

For my honey, it was at first Maria cookies that helped a bit with the nausea. Then she discovered bazooka gum.

I do hope she's feeling better soon. Perhaps bubbleicious? Fig newtons? Wintergreen lifesavers?

Anonymous said...

Ugh! You know what might help? Watching Shag...