I'm sure E will have more than 2 cents to add to this...
When we first found out we were pregnant, I uttered these words (
ala "famous last words"):
"I want to have a name picked when we find out what we're having so that we can call the baby by name from then on."
Hmmm... so, we began to compile a list. Anyone who knows me
IRL should not be surprised to learn that we used a book complete with graphs and statistics and then put that information into a spreadsheet (my most favorite-est thing on earth. just thinking about spreadsheets brings me peace.
ahhh.....) The spreadsheet helped us eliminate names that were too popular (E has a fairly common last name, so a rather uncommon first name will be required) and let us compare names that were rather similar etc...
So, sometime in September, when the weather was still nice (
pre-arctic conditions), we spent a lovely lazy weekend afternoon on our newly constructed deck where we settled on a lovely name... for a girl. We were absolutely unanimous (me, E and the spreadsheet). The name met our rarity criteria, our preferences criteria, included a familial (middle) name, and we BOTH liked it.
We managed to narrow the boy names down to a short list that day.
Flash forward to November, and we had managed to narrow the boy names down further to two with a sure shot middle name. December crept upon us and we found out we were having a boy yet two names still sat on the list. Then we knocked one off and added another one. E now asks me
at least once a week, "what's the chance we're going to name him F.J.?"
I haven't wavered in my answer for quite some time now "60%".
Then she will likely counter, "What's the percentage we will name him H.J.?"
Of course, I can't resist, "60%".
Sure, we've been talking about names for years and years. How can you not when you'd been trying to have a baby for at least that long? Why can't I settle on a name? I don't know. Unwillingness to commit? Inability to realize that a little PERSON will be joining our family in 2.5 months? Plain old indecision? Quirkiness? I have no idea....