Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Surprise DIY

We were supposed to be taking a month off due to aforementioned cyst... but yesterday, I just couldn't deny what I was feeling. It was a little sensation on my left side. It didn't last long, but as I sat there I thought, "did I just ovulate?" We hadn't been using OPKs, so we didn't really know what was going on, but still... hmmm...

I thought very little of it. Then, this morning, E took my temp. Sure enough: it spiked. Of course, we had also had a few drinks and E overslept so my temp was taken late... easy enough to explain away... I called the Dr.

I went in this afternoon, and my E2 is quite high... high enough that I'm either about to ovulate or that I just did (184)... seemingly not very helpful.. but on a month w/o drugs, and in a situation where I haven't ovulated without drugs in a long, LONG time... this is a very positive sign. With all of the IF, I've felt -as so many have - betrayed by my very own body. My body that is supposed to be able to make babies, hasn't worked yet. Not once. Now, though, it's showing some promise.

So, we promptly checked our last ICI out and did the deed at home. Tomorrow, I get another E2. If it's higher, we'll do an IUI. If it drops, we threw some swimmers at it, and we've officially begun the unplanned TWW.

We're not hanging a ton of hope on this month, and we're not looking to give up the drugs. I am happy, though, that my body might just work on its own. Maybe it's all the exercise. Maybe it's all the weight I've lost since grad school ended (35+). I don't know, but it's motivating to keep going, to feel like I might not be as defective as I feel. If my body works on it's own, then it will REALLY work with the help of modern medicine- and maybe it just needed some time to dry out.

Bring on the TWW.


Anonymous said...

GOOOOOOO DIY!! That's rather exciting! No matter the outcome, I think it's very exciting to have this unexpected thing happen. Fingers crossed!!!

Carey said...

Alright... a hail mary insem!! I love it!! Look at you guys, going for it!! Good luck ladies!!

Anonymous said...

I love snap decisions! Good for your ovulating ovaries - hope they enjoyed the surprise treat and do the fertilisation deed!

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK!! DIY is good!

(and with a bit of luck we might be TWW mates!) xx

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! This is such fabulous news! Good luck!

MaMaMia said...

Here you go again! Please keep all hands and feet inside the car at all times, and, hang on for the ride!!!
Good vibes your way!

Anonymous said...

Yee haw! And seriously, wow on the 35+ pounds -- that's amazing.

Keri said...

Yay! It's all so exciting! Sounds like perfect timing!

Anonymous said...

good luck!!

*G* said...

It could very well be the weight loss that had at least a partial impact - my cycles were really wacky for almost a year, and between the time I'd scheduled our first consult and the few months later when the consult actually happened, I'd lost about 15 pounds and had started ovulating regularly again. I mentioned it to the doc and she said she'd just come back from a conference where it had been shown that a loss even as small as 10 pounds could have a kick-start effect in getting the body back in line related to ovulation, etc. Congrats on the unexpected trial!