Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life as it is now

For three years, E and I worked to get here, to get to this place where we have this marvelous baby boy. I whole-heartedly confess to you all that every second was worth it. Every. Last. Second. I couldn't have imagined how complete I now feel, and I'm loving it. Every. Last. Moment.

I'm absolutely in love with this boy:


CanadianMama said...

Sara, you are glowing!
That picture of the hands just about makes me cry!

bleu said...

Aww so sweet mama. It just gets bigger and bigger and deeper and deeper. It doesn't seem possible you could fall more and more in love but you do. So awesome to see you all so happy.

Rachel said...

What adorable photos of both of you! I'm so glad that you are enjoying having your son home again.

Anonymous said...

It is just so ... awe-inspiring, isn't it? How such a little being can so totally win your heart by simply BEING. He's looking so beautiful and happy. I'm getting a little verklempt thinking about all you had to get through to get here, to this amazing place. xoxo.

Anonymous said...

He is SUCH a gorgeous baby!

Susanica said...


E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Isn't it amazing???!!! I'm glad his health seems to be doing much better too.

MaMaMia said...

I'm so happy for your family that your journey has taken you to the place you are in, right now.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing sweeter than baby toes - nothing in the whole wide world.
You deserve this moment and every beautiful moment to come.
SO happy for you all!

ajs4ever said...

You are a happy mama-- and it really shows:) It is hard to imagine how deeply we love our little boys!! I just look at Braden and feel love pouring out of every ounce of me!! They are so fun!! I love the pics:)

Merr said...

I totally understand!! He is soo adorable!

*G* said...

Great shots, and a beautiful boy! Isn't it great to be able to see more and more of his personality as it develops and all the expressions!?!

Stacey said...

i love baby hands and feet!!! they are the best! congrats on a healthy baby!! :-)

Ali said...

He is sooo cute! I could just squeeze him. So happy for you all

Holly said...

Wow! I second that!
it's true that no one can tell you how worth it or how much love you will feel until it actually happens.

He is just so beautiful and it's so wonderful to hear your absolute joy!

kwillmetta said...

What a looker! You two have a very sweet little boy.

kwillmetta said...

FYI-Lisa B at work was asking how you and A were doing. I popped up the blog, and she exclaimed "My does she look happy!"

Lizzie said...

What a dream. Congrats. Thanks for sharing your joy.