Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here I sit

in Chicago airport, alone, waiting for the final leg of my flight to Memphis. Only three hours ago I said goodbye to my wife and son for the first time since his birth. I will be away from them both for five days (that is a lot of growth I'm missing). Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit sad.


bleu said...

So sorry hun, may it go by very fast.

Anonymous said...

i second that. and send hugs to you xx

Lizzie said...

Oh, if I'd known, I would have driven out the airport to give you a hug! Sorry you're separated. Hope it goes by quickly.

Rachel said...

I'm sorry you have to be gone for a full week. I'm sitting in the Charlotte airport (yay Jamba Juice!) and wondering how we're going to keep this up next year ...

Ky said...

I travel for work more than I'd like too, and remember all too well the first time I left. It's hard, but it will pass and when you see your family again you will know why it is so hard to leave!

Stacey said...

:-( that must feel so awful, i cant imagine.... i hope you are doing ok. xx

Anonymous said...

Hey ER, I hope work is keeping you busy enough that this week just flies for you! A is very cute, as is SR, so I understand your sadness. Love you!
Lil c

Ali said...

Oh, I am sure you are sad. :-( I know they will both miss you too.

docgrumbles said...

Think how happy they'll be to see you back home!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling absence really will make the heart grow (even) fonder in this case. xxoo